ecdsa – Impact of byte size of r and s on DER encoded signature

ecdsa – Impact of byte size of r and s on DER encoded signature

As described in this reply to What’s the most dimension of a DER encoded ECDSA signature? the DER encoded signature for a given ECDSA signature (r, s) has format:

0x30 = 1 byte constructed sequence kind
L = 1 byte size of the next bytes (excluding SIGHASH byte)
0x02 = 1 byte primitive integer kind
LR = 1 byte size of integer r
R = integer r in large endian
0x02 = 1 byte primitive integer kind
LS = 1 byte size of integer s
S = integer s in large endian
SIGHASH = 1 byte

the place r is prepended with a byte 0x00 within the case the place it has a highest little bit of 1, and likewise with s.

Nevertheless how is the case the place r has a byte size lower than 32 dealt with?

Suppose for instance we had :

r = 0x83e1ed5c6298a2dfb3e98f2d8963575487c888ac02483045022100ec6ab2

which is 30 bytes.

Will we

(1) prepend this with 0x00 due to the very best bit (ie. bit 239) being 1, so we put :


within the R subject above, or :

(2) write it in full 32 byte format :


and due to this fact don’t prepend it with 0x00 as a result of the very best bit (ie. bit 255) is zero, so we put :


within the R subject above?

Can anybody level to any instance blockchain transactions illustrating how these shorter r, s values are dealt with?

Is there any risk of malleability right here, ie. each choices (1) and (2) are accepted by Bitcoin Core, assuming (r, s) is a sound signature?

Or are main zero bytes all the time stripped away from r and s earlier than contemplating whether or not their highest bit is 1? (If r or s was truly zero, we’d then have to go away one zero byte in).


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