Hiya I am utilizing a python script to really retrieve data from a blk file and to learn information.
import datetime
# Learn block !
file = open("REDACTEDblocksblk00000.dat", 'rb')
numberOfBlocks = 0
i = 0
toAnalyse = 5000
whereas i < toAnalyse:
block_magic_bytes = file.learn(4)
if b''==block_magic_bytes :
block_size = file.learn(4)
block_size_int = int.from_bytes(block_size,'little')
block_version = file.learn(4)
block_lastblock = file.learn(32)
block_lastblock_little_endian = int.from_bytes(block_lastblock,'little')
# merkle root
block_time = int.from_bytes(file.learn(4),'little')
block_nonce = int.from_bytes(file.learn(4),'little')
# Prints some data
print("Block quantity : " + str(numberOfBlocks))
print("Magic bytes : " + block_magic_bytes.hex(" ").higher())
print("Block dimension hex : " + block_size.hex(" ").higher())
print("Block dimension int : " + str(block_size_int))
print("Block model : " + block_version.hex(" "))
print( f'Block preBlock : {block_lastblock_little_endian:064x}' )
print("Block time : " + str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(block_time)))
print("Block nonce : " + str(block_nonce))
# Jumps to subsequent magic_bytes
print("Final block learn")
However after I learn the block 486 within the blk file I get this :
Block quantity : 486
Magic bytes : F9 BE B4 D9
Block dimension hex : D8 00 00 00
Block dimension int : 216
Block model : 01 00 00 00
Block preBlock : 00000000806df68baab17e49e567d4211177fef4849ffd8242d095c6a1169f45
Block time : 2009-01-14 22:27:29
Block nonce : 2063568441
As I perceive the BTC blockchain the earlier hash ought to be the hash of the block with peak 485, however after I look utilizing an explorer that is the hash of block 499 : https://www.blockchain.com/btc/block/00000000806df68baab17e49e567d4211177fef4849ffd8242d095c6a1169f45
Is it that blocks aren’t so as in blk recordsdata ? Are my blk recordsdata incorrect ? I downloaded them utilizing bitcoin-core. Are some blocks truly not included within the general blockchain ?
I’d recognize any pointers,suggestions or assist after all ^^