bitcoind – Error whereas syncing with the blockchain on my Raspberry Pi


So I have already got the node arrange on my raspberry pi. This evening the switch of the Blockchain from my laptop computer to the raspi’s arduous disk completed. Now I’m ready for the blocks to match the headers

"blocks": 162064, "headers": 613982

The factor is that after I do bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo to examine whether it is already full, I get this error:

error: Couldn't hook up with the server
Be certain the bitcoind server is operating and that you're connecting to the proper RPC port.

I examine if bitcoind is operating with systemctl standing bitcoind.service and this reveals up:

● bitcoind.service - Bitcoin daemon

Loaded: loaded (/and so on/systemd/system/bitcoind.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

Lively: activating (auto-restart) (Outcome: exit-code) since Wed 2020-01-22 11:59:12 CET; 15s in the past

Course of: 811 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c sleep 30 (code=exited, standing=0/SUCCESS)

Course of: 814 ExecStart=/usr/native/bin/bitcoind -daemon -conf=/house/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -pid=/house/bitcoin/.bitcoin/ (code=exited, standing=0/SUCCESS)

Principal PID: 815 (code=exited, standing=1/FAILURE)

So I attempt to restart the bitcoin daemon with sudo systemctl cease bitcoind and sudo systemctl begin bitcoind. And after I examine its standing it reveals the next (which appears good):

bitcoind.service - Bitcoin daemon

Loaded: loaded (/and so on/systemd/system/bitcoind.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

Lively: energetic (operating) since Wed 2020-01-22 12:01:01 CET; 5s in the past

Course of: 862 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c sleep 30 (code=exited, standing=0/SUCCESS)

Course of: 864 ExecStart=/usr/native/bin/bitcoind -daemon -conf=/house/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -pid=/house/bitcoin/.bitcoin/ (code=exited, standing=0/SUCCESS)

Principal PID: 865 (bitcoind)

Duties: 12 (restrict: 2200)

Reminiscence: 111.0M

CGroup: /system.slice/bitcoind.service

└─865 /usr/native/bin/bitcoind -daemon -conf=/house/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -pid=/house/bitcoin/.bitcoin/

And after I do bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo once more, it would not present me an error, however the variety of blocks synchronized is decrease than earlier than. And some minutes later, after I go examine once more all of it repeats itself.

What am I imagined to do right here?



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